Bring a large Dutch oven up to heat over medium. Add in the oil then onions and cook until lightly golden, about 5 minutes. Next add in the garlic and cook until fragrant, about 2 minutes.
Add in the ground turkey, breaking it up with a wooden spoon. Next add in the chili powder, cumin, paprika, cayenne and a sprinkling of salt and pepper. Cook the meat until browned and cooked through, about 10 minutes.
After the meat has browned, add in the tomato pasta and stir to combine, cooking for 1 minute. Lastly add in the canned tomatoes, refried beans, kidney beans and the ½ cup of water used to rinse out the tomato can.
Stir, cover, reduce to low and cook for at least 1 hour up to 3.
Occasionally stir the chili so the bottom doesn’t burn. If it starts looking too thick add a little water. Before serving taste for seasoning, adding more salt or pepper if needed.
Serve with tortilla chips, cheese and avocado.
Recipe Courtesy of Megan Mitchell