Grilled Baby Back Ribs with Rosemary and Honey

- (3) 1 – 1 ½ pound slabs babyback ribs, silver skin removed
- Vegetable oil, for oiling grill
- Salt and pepper, for seasoning
- ¾ cup orange blossom honey
- 2 tbsp. finely chopped rosemary
- ½ cup whole grain mustard
- ½ tsp. cayenne pepper
Begin by liberally seasoning the ribs with salt and pepper. Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes.
While the meat rests, preheat your grill to medium heat (350°), if using a 3 grill burner, light only 2 grates leaving 1 off. If you have a 2 grill burner, light only 1 side.
Lay two pieces of heavy duty foil, long enough to fit all 3 racks, on top of each other. Shingle the ribs on the foil and wrap tightly, making sure no air or liquid can get out.
Place the rib package on the unheated part of the grill (indirect heat) and grill for 1 hour flipping the package half way through.
While the ribs grill, make your sauce. In a bowl combine the honey, chopped rosemary, mustard and cayenne pepper. Stir together and set aside until needed.
Remove from the grill and take out of the foil. Oil the grates and place the ribs, meat side down, and cook for 3-5 minutes until you see grill marks. Flip and cook bone side down. Cover the already grilled side of the ribs with the sauce . After 3-5 minutes grill the meat side down, again, this time with the sauce on it for 3-5 more minutes. Sauce the bone side now. Flip one last time to get the bone-side, now sauced, lightly charred.
Remove, and let sit for 5-7 minutes. Cut and serve with extra sauce.
Recipe Courtesy of Megan Mitchell
As Seen on Tastemade, watch me make it here!